Circuits de Catalunya, S.L. has undertaken to make its website accessible according to Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices of the public sector (hereinafter, Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September).
This accessibility statement is applicable to
Compliance status
This website does not yet fully comply with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September. The exceptions and non-compliant aspects are explained below.
Non-accessible content
The content described below is not accessible due to the following reasons:
a) Lack of conformity with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September:
- There is multimedia content which does not have a textual alternative
- There are PDF documents which are not yet accessible
- There are several edition mistakes in some site pages, both as regards HTML content and final documents, published after 20 September 2018
- There are minimum contrast problems when showing the content in some pages
- The information and structure of some pages is not available in text format.
- The content does not restrict its visualization and function in a single window orientation, such as vertical or horizontal.
- Except for subtitles and text images, the text can be resized without assistance technology to up to 200% without losing content or functionality.
- In some pages, when resizing the content, the minimum space between lines, paragraphs or letters is not kept.
- In some pages, the functionality of the content cannot be operated using a keyboard interface.
- In some pages there is no mechanism to avoid repeating content blocks.
- There are pages in which the titles do not describe the topic or purpose.
- In some links, it is not possible to establish their purpose by just reading the text of the link.
- There are pages in which the content is not shown by means of the focus generated by keyboards.
- The default language of each page cannot always be determined by the software.
b)Disproportionate burden: not applicable.
c)The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation: there could be office files in PDF or other formats, which were published before 20 September 2018 and do not comply with all of the accessibility requirements.
Drawing-up of this accessibility statement
This accessibility statement was drawn-up on 18 September 2020.
To prepare the statement, an accessibility audit was carried out by the company Tothom web.
Last review of the statement: 18 September 2020
Comments and contact details
Communications on accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of Royal Decree 1112/2018) can be made through the following contact mailbox.
For example:
- Informing about any possible infringement by this website.
- Notifying other difficulties to access the content.
- Make any query or suggestion for improvement related to the accessibility of the website.
The communications will be received and treated by the Directorate General for Citizen Services of the Department of Vice-Presidency, Economy and Finance of the Catalan Government, as the Unit responsible for Website Accessibility in the autonomic region.
Requests for accessible information and complaints
To lodge any request about accessible information and complaints (article 12 of Royal Decree 1112/2018) you have to access “Accessible contents on the web” and follow the modality “Request for accessible information or lodge a complaint”.
Any natural or legal person can lodge complaints about the compliance with the requirements established by Royal Decree 1112/2018 and request for information related to contents which are excluded from the scope of this regulation.
Requests and complaints are registered following the requirements established by Law 39/2015 of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administration.
Application procedure
The application procedure established in article 13 of Royal Decree 1112/2018 can be started in “Accessible contents on the web” through the modality “Claim a request”.
If, once the request or complaint about accessible information has been made, it is dismissed, you do not agree with the decision taken or the answer does not comply with the requirements of article 12.5 of Royal Decree 1112/2018, you may lodge a complaint to:
- Know and appeal against the reasons for dismissal.
- Request for the adoption of respective measures if you do not agree with the decision taken.
- Explain the reasons why you consider that the answer does not comply with the demanded requirements.
You can also lodge a complaint if you have not received any answer 20 working days.